Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Resume film Pirates from Silicon Valley

Pirates from Silicon Valley merupakan sebuah film yang diangkat dari kisah nyata perjalanan karir Bill Gates dan Steve Jobs. Film ini menceritakan persaingan antara Bill Gates vs Steve Jobs. Selain itu, film ini juga banyak menceritakan tentang sifat pribadi dari masing-masing tokoh terkenal itu. Steve yang sangat emosional dan selalu bersikap seenaknya sendiri, selalu menuntut loyalitas berlebih dari para pegawainya. Steve memaksa programmernya untuk bekerja selama 24 jam non-stop. Bila ia mendapati programmernya tertidur, maka Steve tak segan-segan untuk memaki sang programmer. Sedangkan Bill Gates digambarkan sebagai seorang yang lugu dan pemalu.

Sebenarnya DOS adalah merek dagang yang diciptakan oleh Bill Gates atas sebuah sistem operasi (OS) yang ia beli dari seorang programmer yang tak diketahui namanya. Kemudian oleh Bill Gates, OS tersebut dijual kembali per-lisensi kepada banyak perusahaan pembuat komputer. IBM adalah perusahaan pertama yang tertarik untuk menggunakan DOS pada produk mereka.

Disaat Bill Gates sibuk berdagang DOS, Steve Jobs dengan perusahaannya Apple semakin berkibar setelah membeli “mouse” dari perusahaan kecil bernama Xerox. Saat itu, Steve mendengar kabar bahwa Xerox menemukan sebuah teknologi yang bernama GUI. Hal ini membuatnya penasaran. Karena takut didahului oleh kompetitor, ia kemudian dengan cepat mendatangi markas Xerox. Berkilah untuk mengajak bekerjasama, Steve meminta Xerox untuk mempraktekkan dan menjelaskan secara detail dari teknologi GUI yang menggunakan “mouse” itu.

Sejak saat itu, mereka berhasil menciptakan personal komputer berteknologi GUI. Apple semakin terkenal dan menggeser dominasi IBM yang menggunakan DOS. Mereka kemudian menjadi perusahaan produsen komputer terbesar didunia.

Kesuksesan Apple ternyata membuat Bill Gates tertarik untuk bekerja disana. Ia lalu mendatangi markas Apple untuk melamar pekerjaan sebagai programmer. Disana, ia bertemu dan diwawancara oleh Steve Jobs. Mungkin karena ia dikenal sebagai pencipta DOS, sehingga Steve percaya dan menerima lamarannya.

Setelah Bill Gates menjadi bagian dari Apple, ternyata ia mencuri prototype yang sedang dikembangkan Apple. Ia lalu mengembangkan hasil curian tersebut tanpa sepengetahuan Steve Jobs.

Lambat laun, akhirnya Steve Jobs pun mengetahuinya. Ia mendapat kabar bahwa di Jepang sudah beredar komputer dengan program yang mirip dengan prototype Apple itu. Program tersebut tak lain adalah Microsoft Windows. Hal ini membuat Steve sangat marah. Setelah itu Steve menyuruh Bill Gates untuk menemuinya. Steve mencoba mempertanyakan hal itu namun Bill Gates behasil mengelabuhinya dengan kejeniusan yang ia miliki. Setelah kejadian itu semua, Bill Gates mengundurkan diri dari Aplle Computer, inc. dan Mulai membangun Microsoft Corp. kemudian Microsoft Windows pun semakin berkembang.

Pada ulang Tahun Steve yang ke-30 para kawan lama datang menghadirinya dan John Sculley memberikan satu sulangan untuknya. Namun, 3 bulan kemudian John Sculley memecat Steve dari Aplle.

Tahun 1997 Steve Jobs kembali bergabung dengan Apple. Hingga pada akhirnya, beberapa tahun kemudian Microsoft Corp. memiliki saham di Apple Computer, Inc.

Dan Bill Gates sekarang telah menjadi orang terkaya di dunia.

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Lying is a sin

Islam tells us to do good and forbid evil deeds. Including from evil deeds and started again by the Muslims adl lie or a lie. Adl falsely indicate something different from who actually. This lie can be done with target actions or beliefs. Lying with adl target as the word of God Almighty who says "Verily, who invent a lie is just the people who do not believe in the revelations of Allah and they are the liars.". Lying with adl act as word of Allah 'Azza wa Jalla "Then they came to their father in the afternoon, crying.". Joseph's brothers to show a sense crying for telling a case which seemed to have happened but in reality does not exist. Lying in adl confidence just as the Lord Almighty "When the hypocrites come to you they say 'We recognize that thou art truly the messenger of God.' And God knows that you are truly His apostles, and God knows that real hypocrites really lies. ". This means that they lied in their beliefs. In goal they justify what is spoken by the Messenger of Allah but they adl people who lie krn words not in accordance with what was in their hearts. They all lie either reply with a greeting charity and liars who keyakinannnya adl disgraceful. They adl people who hated by Allaah and cursed either in heaven or on earth. ".. Curse of Allah is inflicted upon those who lie.". Maasyiral Muslims rakhimakumullah! God Almighty has warned us not to do a lie and telling us that the lie was included from the habits of people infidels and hypocrites of the Jews who hated and cursed by God Almighty. Allah says regarding the unbelievers with the "Allah never mensyariatkan the bahiirah saaibah washiilah and haam. But those who disbelieve invent a lie against Allah, and most of them do not understand. ". They adl people who justify what is forbidden and forbid what Allah made lawful by God. God menyifati them with a liar who often invent something. They say on the basis of God what they do not know. Similarly with the Jews who hopefully accursed by God Almighty they were begging to get a victory over the infidels they let you know that a prophet will come to them and they hope that the prophet from among the Children of Israel. But when Allah sent the Prophet Muhammad who are not descendants of the Israelites they would deny it. Allah says "And We have brought al-books to Moses and we have menyusulinya after that with the apostles and We gave clear proofs to Jesus son of Mary and we reinforce it with Ruhul-Qudus. Do any come unto you a messenger to bring something that is not in accordance with your wishes then you brag, so how many people you deny and deny some people you and beberpa people you killed? ". Thus the condition of the salt who disbelieve. "It has lost the people who denied the meeting with God, so that when the apocalypse came to them with a sudden they say 'What a regret we are against our neglect of the Resurrection!" While they bear the sins on his back. Remember very bad thing that they carry it. ". They were adl the people who make false and disbelieving as the din and place them back adl hell. "Indeed there was hell again become a place where scouts come back for those who exceed their limit of stay in it for centuries they do not feel the coolness in it and no beverages other than water which boils and pus in retaliation for which they are not afraid of the real worth the reckoning and they belied Our verses with really true. ". Replies adl they lie in eternal hell and eternal adzab reply. And someone that still lie and lie so that God chose to write on his side as people who lie. Lie it leads to where? leads to disobedience actions. Then this disobedience will lead to where? leads to hell. So very evil liar again very evil place where the re-those who disbelieve. Evil back where the people who arrogant. Hell prepared by God Almighty for those who make false as the Shari'a and the religion. Maasyiral Muslims rakhimakumullah! Prophet ordered us to be true and honest. God Almighty has said, "O people who believe fear Allah and be with people offline.". Allah praised those who muhajirin-may Allah be pleased with them-and menyifatinya with honest. "For poor people who emigrated which they were expelled from their homes and their wealth they expect Fadhilah of God and His keridhaaan and they helped Allah and His Messenger, they adl distinguished people." They justify what is to come of the Prophet. They fulfill the promise which they gave to God. They also strive in Allah's way with a distinguished sesunguhnya jihad. They were patient in all places. So God memjuji them in the Qur'an. Messenger of Allah gave glad tidings to those who distinguished with jannah. Messenger of Allah said of Abi Abi Umaamah and narrated by David "I am the guarantor of home in rabdhil adl-jannah jannah what is all around-for anyone who left the debate even though he was right. I adl guarantor in the middle of paradise for those who leave the lie even though it was a joke and I adl guarantor on a paradise for anyone who either have a certain character. "Lies adl bad and ugly. Messenger of Allah said "The signs of the hypocrite are three tell a lie if and when the promise to deny, and if given the mandate of treason." "There are four things which whoever was in it then he was a pure hypocrite. And whoever wrote in it are one of the four temperaments that he has the temperament of hypocrisy, so he left it when speaking deceit; if given the mandate of treason, if the promise to deny, and when the quarrel with transgressors. "Maasyiral Muslims rakhimakumullah! Whatever the cause lies must we stay away. Therefore let us keep the target behavior and beliefs of the things which lead to the action lies. Al-Islam - and Islam Indonesia Communication Center

source file al_islam.chm

The struggle of a father .....

Can not said by A Father

Typically, for a girl of full age, who was working, who joined her husband wander outside the city or abroad, who were at school or college away from her parents .. will often feel very missed by his mother.

So what about DAD?

Maybe because she is more often called to see you doing every day, but do you know, if it turns out DAD was the one who reminds mother to call you?

Maybe once when you're little, my mother was the one who more often take you tell or berdongeng, but you know that after Father's work and with FATHER tired face always asked my mother about it going and what do you do all day?

By the time you are still a little girl .. DAD usually taught her little daughter to ride a bike. And can pick up after DAD, DAD will release the auxiliary wheel in your bike ...

Then Mother said: "Not yet Dad, do not be removed once the wheels help him"

Mother was afraid last fall wounded sweet daughter ....

But realize you?

That DAD for sure will let you, look at you, and take care of pedaling carefully because she knows her little girl SURE CAN.

When you cry whine request new dolls or toys, she looked at you with pity. But Dad would say emphatically: "Can we buy it later, but not now"

Did you know, do it because DAD DAD did not want you to be a spoiled child with all the demands which can always be met?

When you're a cold, FATHER who was too afraid to yell sometimes a little by saying: "Already in the say! You do not drink cold water!".

Unlike the mother who observe and advise you gently. Know when it is really worrying DAD doin.

When you've got teenagers .... You start demanding the DAD to be able to license out the night, and the DAD be firm and say: "Not allowed!".
Did you know that Dad did that to take care of you? Due to the DAD, you are something very - very unusual precious ..

After that you're mad at DAD, and entered the room, slamming the door ... And who comes knocking doors and persuade you to not upset the mother ....

Did you know that when it DAD closed his eyes and holding within his inner turmoil, that the DAD was eager to follow your wishes, but again he MUST take care of you?

When when a guy started to call you often, or even come to the house to see you, Dad would put the world's coolest face .... :

DAD eavesdropping or peeping occasionally while you are chatting together in the living room ..

You realize, if liver DAD feel jealous?

When you begin to be more credible, and DAD slightly loosen the rules to leave the house for you, you will be forced to violate at night.

So who do DAD is sitting in the living room, and waiting to go home with a heart that is very worrying ... and after feeling worried that a protracted ... when she saw her little girl came home late at night hearts will harden and DAD DAD memarahimu .. .

You realize, that this was because it was feared that the DAD is coming soon? "That little girl will soon leave DAD"

After graduating from high school, DAD will be a little force you to become a doctor or engineer.

Know that all coercion is done DAD it alone - the eyes just thinking about your future later ...

But anyway DAD keep smiling and supporting you when your choice is not in accordance with the wishes DAD

When you become an adult girl .... and you have to go to college another town ... DAD should let you at the airport.

Did you know that the body was stiff to hold you DAD?

Dad just smiled as he gave this advice - that, and tell you to be careful. .

Whereas DAD want to cry like a mother and hug her tight.

A DAD to do is remove a little tear in the corner of his eyes, and patted the shoulder saying "Take care of yourself well yes dear".

DAD did it all for you STRONGER ... strong to go and become adults.

When you need money to finance half of the money and life, the first person is frowned DAD.

DAD must have tried hard to find a way so that their children can feel the same with other friends.

When the request is no longer simply asking a new doll, and DAD knew he could not give what you want ...

The words that come out of the mouth of DAD is: "No. .... No way!"

Whereas in the inner DAD, he was eager to say "Yes dear, I'll buy you a FATHER."

Did you know that at that moment felt DAD failed to make his son smile?

It's time you graduated as a scholar.

DAD was the first to stand up and applaud you.

DAD will smile with pride and satisfaction of seeing "a spoiled little girl who did not grow up successfully, and has become someone"

Until now, a friend Lelakimu come to the house and asked for permission to DAD to take you from him.

DAD will be very careful about giving permission ..

Because DAD know .....

That man is what will replace his position later.

And finally .... When DAD saw you sitting on the bridal dais Stage
with one man who in the think of it worthy of replacing it, DAD
smiled happily ....

Do you know, in a happy day it went backward stage DAD minute, and crying?

DAD crying because DAD is very happy, then pray .... DAD In a quiet prayer to God, DAD said: "O Lord my job was well done .... My little girl is cute and I love has become a beautiful woman .... Bahagiakanlah she and her husband ..."

After that DAD can only wait your arrival with his grandchildren who occasionally come to visit ...

With that hair and the white .... And body and arms are no longer strong enough to take care of you from danger ....

DAD has completed his job ....

DAD, Dad, Papa or our Abah ... Is the figure which should always look strong ... Even when he was not strong to not cry ...

He should see the firm even when he wants to pamper you. .

And he was the first person who always believes that "YOU CAN" in all things ..

Friday, 22 April 2011

Mother Is Everything

Remember Mother Love You ...

One time a baby is ready to be born into the world. By revealed he asked the Lord, "The angels are here to say that tomorrow you are sending to the world, but how do I live there, I was so small and weak," said the baby.

God replied, "I have chosen an angel for you, he will keep you and love you."

"But in heaven, what I do is sing and laugh, it's enough for me to be happy." So says the baby.

God replied, "Your angel will sing and smile for you every day, and you will feel the warmth of her love and so much happier.

The baby was asked, "And how can I understand when people talk if I do not understand their language?".

Again and again the Lord answered, "Your angel will speak to you with the most beautiful language you've ever heard, and with great patience and attention he will teach you how to talk."

The bayipun asked back, "And what can I do when I want to talk to you?"

Once again the Lord answered, "Your angel will teach you how to pray."

The bayipun still not satisfied, he asked again, "I heard that on earth there are bad men, who will protect me?"

With patience Lord replied, "Your angel will protect you, with the stakes even his soul."

The bayipun still not satisfied and continued the question, "But I'll be sad not to see you again."

And the Lord replied, "Your angel will tell you about Me and will teach you how to get back to me, even though I'm always on your side."

At that moment heaven was so quiet, so the sound of the earth can be heard and the child in a low voice asked, "Lord, if I must go now, can you tell who the name of the angel at my house later?"

Lord replied, "You can call angel ... MOTHER ..."

Remember Mother Love You ...

For the mother who always moved to tears when I go ... ..

Remember friends, when your mother was willing to see you sleep without blankets, sleeping with two blankets wrapped yenyak body ..

Remember friends ...

when the mother's fingers gently stroking his head .. and remember

when water drips from the eyes of your mother's eyes when he saw you lying ill

Comrade .. jenguklah occasional mother who was always waiting for that first home kepulanganmu you were born,

friends .. sorry back to your mother who is always ri! ndu will your smile. Keep busy-busy world for a moment that always makes you forget to go home,

immediately jenguk memantimu mother who stood by the door until malampun more soluble.

Comrade .. do not let you lose, the moments that will you miss in the future. when the mother was dead ..

No more standing in the doorway to welcome us .. no more beautiful smile ... a sign of happiness. there was just an empty room no inhabitants, only the clothes hanging in her bedroom closet. Nothing else is preparing breakfast for you to eat, no longer are willing to take care of you until late at night when you are sick ... no more and there will be no more tears in every gust of breath mendo'akanmu.

Comrade .. come back soon. hug the mother who always love you ..

Kiss the feet of mother who always miss you and give the best in the end.

Comrade berdo'alah for health and taste the embrace of love and affection do not let you regret in the future back to the mother who always love you ..

Remember all - love and affection ...

Mother .. I'm sorry to any time will not be rewarded ...

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Cara Minta Maaf Kalau Ketahuan Berselingkuh

Kawan-kawan yang suka selingkuh hahah.. soriii bos kalau aku langsung main hakim sendiri gini aja klo yang gak suka ya maaf tapi klo kawan-kawan benaran ada yang suka wah musti hati-hati dikurangin tuh kerjaannya masalahnya tidak baik merugikan diri sendiri dan semua pihak apa ku omong ini ngerti aja kah kawan hahah... ini aku bagi TIPS buat kawan-kawan semua semoga bermanfaat asal jangan diulang-ulang yang namanya selingkuh bisa tau sendri akibatnya...

1. Katakan Alasan Kenapa Anda Selingkuh
Ini hal pertama yang paling penting saat pasangan mengetahui Anda berselingkuh. Anda harus mengatakan alasan sejujur-jujurnya kenapa berselingkuh. Apakah karena persoalan emosional atau fisik? Jika tidak jujur, jangan harap Anda bisa menerima pemberian maafnya.

2. Ubah Cara Pandang
Jika alasan Anda selingkuh hanya karena godaan fisik semata, segera perbaiki cara pandang Anda dalam berhubungan. Sebagian orang selingkuh karena hal-hal yang kurang mendasar, hanya ketertarikan seksual atau sekedar mencari tantangan.
Jika benar-benar ingin memperbaiki hubungan, berjanjilah dengan kesungguhan dan ketulusan hati kalau Anda tidak akan mengulanginya.

3. Ungkapkan dengan Tindakan
Ungkapkan kalau Anda benar-benar ingin dia kembali dengan tindakan. Misalnya memberi hadiah, kartu atau selalu berusaha menghubunginya untuk meminta maaf. Usaha yang gigih mungkin bisa meluluhkan hati dan membangun kepercayaannya kembali pada Anda.

4. Meminta Maaf dan Bertanggungjawab
Tatap matanya, dan katakan maaf dengan tulus. Tunjukkan kepada pasangan bahwa Anda sangat mengerti dengan konsekuensi yang telah Anda lakukan dan bisa mempertanggungjawabkannya. Katakan padanya bahwa Anda siap dengan komitmen baru dan jika mengulangi kesalahan yang sama, Anda rela kehilangan dia. © kaskus-lover.blogspot.com

5. Bicarakan Masa Depan
Bicarakan masa depan Anda dan pasangan. Katakan bahwa Anda selalu membayangkan masa depan dan sudah punya banyak rencana untuk anak dan kalian berdua. Buatlah si dia pecaya bahwa Anda ingin menghabiskan masa tua bersama, dan perselingkuhan itu adalah sebuah 'kecelakaan' yang mengerikan.

6. Jangan Balikkan Kesalahan Padanya
Jangan bersikeras membenarkan tindakan Anda berselingkuh. Hindari menyampaikan alasan bahwa Anda berselingkuh karena dia kurang perhatian atau tidak bisa membahagiakan Anda.

7. Bersabar
Memergoki pasangan berselingkuh adalah pukulan terberat sekaligus penghinaan besar baginya. Mungkin akan butuh waktu lama untuk membuatnya memaafkan Anda. Bersabar adalah satu-satunya jalan. Jika pasangan belum mau bertemu atau menghubungi Anda, jangan terburu-buru bereaksi. Pemberian maaf memerlukan waktu yang tidak sebentar.

8. Tambah Momen Romantis
Banyak kasus perselingkuhan disebabkan hubungan yang kurang romantis. Saat pasangan sudah mulai menerima Anda kembali, coba sediakan waktu untuk lebih banyak habiskan waktu bersama.

9. Turuti Permintaannya
Dia setuju untuk menerima Anda kembali, tapi dengan beberapa syarat. Mungkin pasangan Anda akan lebih protektif dengan memonitor kemana dan dengan siapa Anda pergi untuk berjaga-jaga agar tidak 'kecolongan' lagi. Mungkin juga, dia akan
meminta nomor telepon keluarga atau teman Anda untuk menanyakan informasi tentang kegiatan Anda selama tidak bersamanya. Anda mungkin akan sedikit terganggu, tapi jika hal tersebut bisa membangun kembali kepercayaannya, ada baiknya jika Anda menurutinya.

sumber kaskus lover....